
30 Day Picture Challenge Day 10: Something I made

Alright, alright...I know I promised more posts, but I have let life take over and haven't been on the computer much.  Here's an effort to post more. :)

For our wedding receiption, my Auntie Mer was so kind in hosting it at her house.  The table decorations had some of these rocks with insirational words written on them.  She also made me a couple of different hair flowers to pick from.  This picture below represents my favorite of them.  I didn't want to keep everything, as we have minimal tendicies, but I wanted to display what I loved the most.

I chose 'fly' because when I am with Steven, I am flying.  He supports me in the decisions I make and really encourages me to be me.  I love him most for that.

1 comment:

Janette said...

SOO SWEET! And I was wondering where you were!

Janette, the Jongleur