Oh no!!! What to do, what to do?!?!? Yes, I can just go out and by the same pair of Reefs, but it won't be the same. These were already molded to my feet and it I didn't even feel like I was wearing shoes when I had them on. They made me so...COMFORTABLE!!!
This really got me thinking. Not about flip flops, but with every other aspect in my life. We, as people, tend to lean towards what's familiar to us. We like to be in a place that makes us comfortable. Most of us freeze up when we are outside our little box.
Being outside my box has been more than challenging. Things that intimidate me at first or that I'm too lazy to do.
I am constantly looking for new ways to express myself creatively. I bought some hair flowers online and said to Steven (my husband), "I could totally make these!!" and so the project started.
We ran out to our local crafts supply store and bought, what I thought, were the essentials. We came home, after an hour in the store, and I got down to business. I was tired at the time (see cranky above) and found out the hard way that I did not have everything I needed. Instead of staying frustrated, I tried a new way to deal with it.
Normally I would give up and be stubborn to not try again. It was obvious to me that I didn't set myself up to succeed. Needless to say, I will be getting the rest of my tools to finish the job. I've been practicing my bow folding/flower making and feel that I'm almost ready. I'm very much enjoying the project at hand. :) I will be sure to post one that I end up finishing.
Another item outside the box I discovered yesterday. For my "Fitness For Weight Loss" Session, we had a 'Spinning Class'!! I haven't really done Spinning before (I like to watch...only participating once, a LONG time ago) and was all out of sorts about it.
I was SOOOOOO afraid of falling off the bike! Our trainer walked (peddled really) our way through the different 'hills'. Adding resistance, standing up to run and climb and then recovery!! My legs were like jello after we were done with our 25 minutes. Now I know why this is so addicting to some people. Talk about a full workout!!!!
I've been having more of a "try this" attitude toward new ideas and I am finding out that I really am enjoying it. Every time we discover something new about ourselves, it makes our world that much brighter. If we don't take up that new opportunity, how are we to know what we are missing out on? I want to provide excitement to areas in my life that I'm passionate about and believe in. Don't you??
After all...I do have a new favorite pair of flip flops.
What is the one new opportunity you are going to take?
Great post, Wall! I'm looking forward to reading more about your self-discoveries.
Thank you AK!! I know you're following me too. :D
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