
Getting smaller

I did it!  Whenever I got around to reading my blogs that I follow, I sensed an overwhelming feeling of, "329 posts to read?  You've got to be kidding me!!"

Well, I thought today that I should treat my blogs like I do my books.  If I find myself forcing me to read a book, I put it down.  I applied that thinking to my list of blogs and whadaya know...I unsubscribe to over 50% of them!!!!

I went from 112 blog subscriptions to 43!!!  Can you imagine???  {Insert big sigh here.}

It's like when you go through FaceBook and delete all those "friends" that you don't need to read about all the time. :)  What a great feeling!! 

And this is just round one...I have a couple that I've giving a "maybe" to in hopes that the reason I subscribed in the first place comes back to me.  If not, round two will be a "bye-bye" for them. 

I'm hoping that this will motivate me to write more instead of read more.

Have you purged your reading list lately??

Love Love,



Unknown said...

Good for you! I did this and it has simplified my life SO MUCH.

I came to terms with the fact that I'm going to read blogs I remember, so I'm done with RSS feeds. Either I remember the URL or I subscribe by email. :)

Thanks for the comment today.

debbie said...
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debbie said...

Yep keep writing wallie!

Sarah with a Bow said...

I definitely don't purge my list but I often hit the "mark as read" button. Congrats on the purge!